Thursday, May 30, 2019

Radio Stations and the Public Good :: essays papers

Radio Stations and the Public Good For my final project on public interest I chose to view the public inspection files of the local tuner station. I have been instituteing at radio stations all(a) of my life and had never acquiren or heard of a public inspection file until this class. In order to prepare the station for my arrival I called in advance to make an appointment. The receptionist answered the phone and I told her that I needed to see the files, this created a great deal of suspicion and I was directed to Dave Andrews the Vice prexy of Regent Broadcasting. Right away I knew that it was not a regular request due to the manor of which he explained the rules, it was as if he was reading them of an F.C.C handout. both member of the public can view the files between Monday and Friday during normal business hours, he recited. I made an appointment, and I was very interested in consider something that deserved the attention of the Vice President. I had no idea that this vi sit would be so rewarding and life changing.I arrived at the local radio station in time for my appointment. The receptionist asked to see identification, I gave my drivers license which she photo copied. I felt as if I was in a secret area of the Government where I needed clearance to view the top-secret files. After my information was taken I met Mary-Jo Beach the General omnibus who would assist me in viewing the public inspection files. I was disappointed when I first saw the standard gray file cabinet, because in my send I pictured a mission impossible type setting with gadgets and locks. Mary-Jo sat with me in her office as I viewed the files. She was very suspicious at first and very interested in my objective.Before I was actually able to review the public inspection file, Mary-Jo asked me what exactly I wanted to see and why I was interested in their station. I explained that I was a student and as our final project we had to visit a station, view the files and past rep ort our experience and determine if they were broadcasting in the public interest. Mary-Jos whole manner changed, she seemed to be relieved. After I had explained the main reason she helped me work through the files and was very helpful in answering my questions.

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